The "" site has the particularity of treating music through all its richness. This is his great specialty. Animated by people of the profession - musicians, technicians... - the site has a quick and easy navigation through two complementary search menus :
- 1. A classification of articles by musical genre : instrument, music & society, classical, song, jazz, film music, etc.
- 2. A classification of articles by section : records, analysis, history, miscellaneous event, interview, biography, etc.
About the articles published by ''
Faced with the wealth of musical news, it is sometimes difficult to make the right choice, to choose a promising subject without fear of giving in to the easy way or to unjustified buzz. We have often noticed that hot musical information, widely distributed and relayed, is not always synonymous with objectivity and impartiality. Hindsight is often necessary to assess the relevance of content, the artistic quality of a product or the merits of information. Our view of events is in no way dictated by commercial issues.
Our job is to inform the reader while respecting the subject addressed: publication of a record or a book, or , portrait of artists and interview, historical facts, musical analysis, etc. Our articles try to simply explain the ins and outs of past and present music with a thoughtful attitude; Isn't it important to provide the most complete and accurate information possible ?
We try to find the right balance between subjects related to past events (life of composers, history of great performers, outstanding works...) and present (new discographic releases, young artists who are launching into music...). Instruments and technologies related to current events are not forgotten and are also the subject of articles.
In addition, our site offers a free service of press release. Efficient and fast, this service allows the dissemination of articles (or interviews) through the use of pre-programmed forms. This service is perfect for responding to requests from artists wishing to broadcast their news for free via our site: book, record, site, program, etc.